Train Trip to Shoreham Yarn Shop

Train Trip to Shoreham Yarn Shop

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Alison and I are thrilled to invite you to a day trip to English Yarns, a charming Rowan stockist in Shoreham on the beautiful South Coast of England.

Date: Saturday, July 6th

Meeting Point and Time: We will gather at St. Albans City station to catch the 9:27 AM train to Brighton. For those joining us from Harpenden, we’ll be in the final carriage.

On the Train: Expect plenty of time for knitting and chatting during our journey.

Arrival in Brighton: The train arrives in Brighton at 11:13 AM. We’ll pause for some refreshments before taking a taxi to Shoreham.

At English Yarns: Dive into the sanctuary of a yarn shop, explore pattern books, and indulge in the finest yarns. After our shopping, we’ll head to a lovely cafe for Afternoon Tea and more chatting.

Return Trip: A taxi will take us back to Brighton station, we will aim for the 4:58 PM train home.

Join our group with cafe table reservations, including the taxi from Brighton station to the yarn shop and back to Brighton station. - £35.

Please note, you’ll need to book your own train ticket and cover your refreshments and any yarn purchases.

Questions? Feel free to email us!

We look forward to a wonderful day filled with yarn and good company.