My new year knitting plans
Much like every year, we start 2022 with much hope and expectation. Or should that be trepidation? If we’ve learned anything at all from 2021 it's that we have absolutely no idea what is around the corner and that nothing should be left to chance!
With that in mind I am focusing on preparation being key to success, with the aim of clearing my decks and leaving more time to be spontaneous and enjoy free time more.
Planning of knitting projects (naturally, at the top of my priorities list) has already gone awry. Where I thought I’d be knitting for one new arrival this spring, it turns out they’ll be two (Both friends - not me, I assure you!). Luckily I have enough stash to see me through ‘til doomsday so I have launched myself into dual projects with gusto. Knitting two baby blankets at once - what could POSSIBLY go wrong?!
The blankets I’m knitting involve charts, so the first thing I did was to prep them using colour highlighters coded to the wool choice, to prevent picking up the wrong chart and knitting the wrong design. So far so good.
My plan is to work both blankets simultaneously, knitting each one ball at a time, one after the other. This proved beneficial early in the process as it's allowed me to count up the rows and mark on each chart an estimate of yarn usage throughout and when I can anticipate changing to a fresh ball. Another handy little tip!
My epic fail came upon starting the second blanket. The designs I’ve chosen are gorgeous. Created by the extremely talented Katherine Johnston - please check her out on Instagram, Ravelry etc. @knit_sew_make (but I’m not telling you which ones I’m doing as it’s a surprise for the recipients). I failed to check the stitch count and cast on the same as the first blanket and started merrily knitting away only to realise upon hitting the first row of the design that I had the wrong stitch count. Oops!
Organisation is key to all undertakings, as time spent on any activity is an extremely precious commodity. But there’s no excuse for not checking your stitch count!